Friday 6 May 2011



Adjective: it is used to describe nouns - persons or things. 

video is taken from YouTube 


Play this video for students in class. However, do stop the video when it reaches 3:16 minute; the rest is irrelevant to this topic. 

From the video, teacher needs to emphasis these adjectives (as shown below) that Caillou and Caillou's Grandma have brought up to students and look at how they are used correctly to describe the nouns (as shown below). 

Mr Hinkle

From the words above, ask students to create 5 new sentences in Microsoft Word by pairing one adjective with one noun. Do make sure that all sentences make sense/logic and are grammatically correct.

Still, let them be creative!

this lesson is adapted from Task 3 - WWW Lesson Plan

Present Perfect


Present Perfect:
  • it is used to show a past action which has continued up to now - for, since, etc
  • it is used to express an action that happened a short while ago
  • it is used to express a past action that happened at an unspecified time

Exercise for Students

Vijaya and her classmates have done lots of things before their class teacher's farewell event. Describe the things that they have done with the help of the given words. 

Example: Vijaya - sweep the floor
Answer: Vijaya has swept the floor.

  1. Mei Lin - wipe the windows
  2. Rajoo - return books - library
  3. Eng Huat - play tennis this morning
  4. Ashraff - study - two hours
  5. Mee Mee - arrange the desks
  6. Laily - go to see Puan Normah
  7. Linda - learn how to use a computer
  8. The badminton team - win a prize on Sports Day
  9. The principal - give a speech this morning
  10. They - bid farewell to their class teacher

Answer for Teachers
  1. Mei Lin has wiped the windows.
  2. Rajoo has returned the books to the library.
  3. Eng Huat has played tennis this morning.
  4. Ashraff has studied for two hours.
  5. Mee Mee has arranged the desks.
  6. Laily has went to see Puan Normah.
  7. Linda has learned/learnt how to use a computer.
  8. The badminton team has won a prize on Sports Day.
  9. The principal has given a speech this morning.
  10. They have bid farewell to their class teacher.

Let's make sentences! 

Present Tense


Present Tense: 
  • it is used to show habitual action
  • it is used to talk about facts
  • it is used to talk about things which have been arranged for the future
  • to give a running commentary 

Exercise for Students

A student in MRSM Serting wrote her daily entry in her diary. However, there are some grammatical errors in her entry. Read her entry carefully. There are 7 mistakes underlined on Present Tense. Make corrections to each of them. The first one is already corrected.

Dear Diary
29 March 2011
Wednesday, 12.30pm
This is my third week in school. It is now 12.30pm and I'm sitting in the library right now. My classmates are eating lunch together, but I’m not hungry yet. At home, we eat never this early. In English class today, we learn culture shock. It’s a good topic for me right now because I’m being pretty homesick. I miss my old routine. At home, always are eating a big meal at 2.00pm in the afternoon. Then we rest. But here in MRSM Serting, I’m having a 3.00pm preperation class. Everyday I almost fell asleep in class, and my teacher ask me, “Are you bored?” Of course I’m bored. I just need my afternoon nap! This class always is fun. This semester, we are working on a project with video cameras. My team is filming groups of people from different cultures. We are analyzing ‘Social Distance’. That means how close to each other these people stand. According to my new watch, it’s 12.55pm, so I'm leaving for my 1.00pm class. Trainers here really aren’t liking tardiness!

Adapted from Focus on Grammar, Second Edition.

Answer for Teachers
  1. never eat
  2. eat
  3. I have
  4. teacher asks
  5. is always
  6. don't like

Enjoy correcting! 

Thursday 5 May 2011

Preposition: Giving Directions

Have you ever helped a forgetful man finding his way home? 


Let's help this man out! Poor him. He's stuck at the Museum and he wants to get home. 

picture is adapted from BogglesWorldESL


From the map, ask students to write a short essay in Microsoft Word of how the forgetful man can find his home from the Museum. In the essay, make sure that there are not less than 10 sentences and that the students do not forget to describe the buildings that the man will see and to name the roads he needs to take. 

Include prepositional words like: 
in front of


The students can also include other prepositional words that they can think of. Let them be creative. 

Happy writing!


Let's try this and say the coloured words aloud 


Did you notice that the paired words have the same pronunciation? 

Each has different meanings, right?

They are called HOMOPHONES when two words have the same way of pronouncing, yet have different meanings. 

So, for this lesson...

Let's listen to a song! 

Give students a handout as presented below, and play Smile - Uncle Kraker for them to listen to. As they listen to the song, they are needed to circle the appropriate words in the lyrics. 

Teacher will then check the answers with students. If they have problems in understanding some of the words, they can refer to

Enjoy listening!

*Cannot think of homework for them? Ask them to write a sentence for each word
(yes, each word) to see if they can use it correctly in a grammatically correct sentence. Writing 22 sentences might sound brutal, so it's ok for them to write simple ones.

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