Friday 6 May 2011

Present Perfect


Present Perfect:
  • it is used to show a past action which has continued up to now - for, since, etc
  • it is used to express an action that happened a short while ago
  • it is used to express a past action that happened at an unspecified time

Exercise for Students

Vijaya and her classmates have done lots of things before their class teacher's farewell event. Describe the things that they have done with the help of the given words. 

Example: Vijaya - sweep the floor
Answer: Vijaya has swept the floor.

  1. Mei Lin - wipe the windows
  2. Rajoo - return books - library
  3. Eng Huat - play tennis this morning
  4. Ashraff - study - two hours
  5. Mee Mee - arrange the desks
  6. Laily - go to see Puan Normah
  7. Linda - learn how to use a computer
  8. The badminton team - win a prize on Sports Day
  9. The principal - give a speech this morning
  10. They - bid farewell to their class teacher

Answer for Teachers
  1. Mei Lin has wiped the windows.
  2. Rajoo has returned the books to the library.
  3. Eng Huat has played tennis this morning.
  4. Ashraff has studied for two hours.
  5. Mee Mee has arranged the desks.
  6. Laily has went to see Puan Normah.
  7. Linda has learned/learnt how to use a computer.
  8. The badminton team has won a prize on Sports Day.
  9. The principal has given a speech this morning.
  10. They have bid farewell to their class teacher.

Let's make sentences! 



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